Similar to what airplane pilots or ship captains do in a logbook, drone pilots have to document their commercial drone flights in a type of diary or log. Mandatory, mind you, otherwise, there is the threat of expensive fines. For up to two years, the logbook, known as the “Flightbook” in the drone industry, has to be stored and presented upon request. The flightbook comprises prescribed information on each flight performed and should be kept in any case. In which form, i.e., handwritten or digital, is up to each individual. With the FlyNex Enterprise Suite, the flightbook can be conducted automatically (more on this below).

What Is a Flightbook?

In the flightbook, all drone flights are recorded in detail. It is used for documentation and can be requested by authorities. Keeping the flightbook is mandatory for all commercial drone users and is one of the conditions of being granted a flight permit. Those who do not comply and do not keep a flightbook can expect a fine (depending on the case) and the loss of the flight permission. However, we recommend that non-commercial pilots also document their flights, as it is sometimes possible to derive information from flight performance and battery performance, for example.

What should the Flightbook Contain?

The logbook contains relevant data in tabular form. The details are clarified in ยง 120 LuftPersV of the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. Under this regulation, the flightbook should include the following information:

  1. the name of the pilot in command
  2. the date
  3. the aircraft type and, if prescribed, the registration number of the aircraft
  4. the type of flight
  5. the take-off and landing aerodromes
  6. the time of departure and arrival in Coordinated Universal Time
  7. the total duration of the flight

For drone flights, we also recommend documenting the battery status and any incidents. You can record the information on paper or in an Excel spreadsheet. There are also various (flight-)books with pre-printed tables available for purchase.

How do I manage the flightbook correctly?

Since the flightbook for commercial operations is required by law, drone pilots should properly document all operations. The FlyNex Enterprise Suite makes it easier for commercial drone users. All flights performed with a DJI device are automatically recorded in the Connect App from FlyNex within a digital flightbook. This not only saves time but additionally prevents mistakes, such as number twists. The app transfers the data of the flight into the spreadsheet without further intervention.

Flightbook FlyNex Enterprise Suite

For more details about the FlyNex Enterprise Suite, visit You can see how our Connect App works at

We would be happy to create an individual offer for you! Contact us, and we will get back to you!

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